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Activity Week 14th to 18th Aug

Activity Week is back this summer!

Mon 14th to 18th Aug.

Cost: £50

Planning meeting is 2pm on Mon 14th Aug at the Shack (Broomfields Leisure Centre rear car park - WA4 3AE)

Each young person who attends needs to keep Tues 15th to Fri 18th largely clear of other events, as we plan the whole week on the Mon 14th at 2pm.

The Police are planning to attend some of the days to assist with the delivery and to build relationships with young people in the area.

The basic idea of Activity Week is that each young person brings £50 on the Monday and then BYP put all their money together and double their budget. They then spend the next few hours discussing, planning, negotiating, budgeting and booking the activities they will do as a group for the rest of the week. They also have 2 youth workers available to take them to the activities and a 17 seater minibus at their disposal.They must budget to pay for the youth workers to get into the activities they want to book. They also plan a social action event that they will deliver during the Activity Week together, for the benefit of the local area.

To sign up for one of the limited places, please click on the googleform below and submit it. Or use the QR code above to lead you to the same form.

After you have done that, please message 07840456564 so that we can know straightaway, that you have submitted a form. (This is largely as we are out of office during the summer and don't have our laptops sending us notifications)


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